Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Second Verse Same as the First

This is a simple concept because simple concepts are what I'm capable of. To make things is good. To make things for people to hold is a way to make connections. 

This simple tea bowl form is my favorites to throw.
The way it rests in the hand is a comfort.

With Color Theory for Baby Boomer I thought of each spread as a brick shaped  block of color.

God's Country is (a collaboration with Joseph Lappie) intersecting narratives about growing up as church kids in the form of a small religious tract.

The Least Painful Compromise is 144 pages in six signatures. Each signature has original photographic narratives, design, and fiction. The gaps between each signature serve as leaps in time within a story of one family’s history with tragedy.

An international collaboration in which I contributed as small sliver.

A zine about W's US foreign policy. 

ROOM was an ambitious collaboration between myself, Karol Shewmaker and Brad Freeman. With contributions by many visual artists, photographers, book artists, and writers.

The North American version of my first two novels were published in  early 2017 under the Gallery imprint of Simon and Schuster, This image was taken in the basement of my local, independent bookstore at the the time, Anderson's Books. The manager allowed me to unbox the cases myself. Thanks to their support and that of my Chicagoland community, I was the best seller for that location for the first half of the year. So my titles were a qualified best seller!
(forced enthusiasm indicated by the explanation mark)


  1. Nice showcase, Brandon! The texture of your work that comes from variety of media you work with is inspiring. Although language is my only medium, it inspires me to let all sensual stimuli inform my speculative fiction work. And just because I haven’t used the word “work” in this comment enough, keep up the good … well, you know.

    1. Thank you. You have a big heart and make me laugh.


Brief Publishing Update

 It’s been a month since last I wrote. I’m trying to recommit to blogging. Today I’m attempting this on my phone, which is likely a poor dec...